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How to use waterproof connectors for wires?

時間:2020-08-25| 作者:Admin

Wire waterproof connectorIt is a high-quality waterproof connector produced and processed from aluminum material. The interface type outer groove connection has the advantages of light weight, light weight, and convenient use.


When wire waterproof connectors work in natural environments containing moisture and salt, electrochemical corrosion will occur on the surfaces of metal structural components and contact components, which will damage the physical properties of electrical equipment. When the waterproof connector of the wire is at high frequency, the magnetic field can significantly shield the actual effect of the electromagnetic field. At this point, the electrical continuity of the metal shell has a certain standard. Waterproof cable connectors are also shell contact resistance, which refers to the release of working voltage in the insulation layer of the connector and displays the system resistance.



The withstand voltage test of wire waterproof connectors refers to the relationship between certain insulation layers or between certain insulation layers and grounding devices in natural environments (such as aerospace, railway, and road freight) in practical applications. This is a key indicator value for checking the solid foundation of the waterproof connector structure of wires and the reputation of electrical contacts. The compressive strength or working voltage and material withstand voltage tests of wire waterproof connectors are the tactile sensation of wire waterproof connectors. Qualitatively analyze the working voltage and conduct additional tests on the resistance between the middle or middle part of the circuit board, the touch part, and the housing.



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