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What items are suitable for the M8 series waterproof connectors?

時間:2021-07-15| 作者:Admin

Nowadays, in our daily lives, there are many waterproof items, such as watches, mobile phones, sockets, etc. Why should we be waterproof? Firstly, we need to consider that many things are easily damaged once they enter the water. Therefore, in order to prolong the service life of the items, we must choose waterproof items to extend their service life. Below, we will introduce the M8 series to everyoneWaterproof connectorDetailed properties of and where applicable.


M8 fast PVCApplicable to electric bicycle plug wire, waterproof male and female plug wire, automobile harness wire, Kick scooter plug wire, power pair plug wire, etc




Contacts Number: 2-7 cores

Voltage Rating: 250V

Current Rating: 3A 3A 2A 2A

Wire Gauge:<=0.3MM ² <=0.3MM ² 0.2MM ² 0.2MM ² 0.2MM ²

Cable OD: 3MM-5.0MM

Operating Temperature: -20C ° -80C °

Waterproof Level: IP65

Pin Layout:



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